Are you worried about how to get funds to start or expand your poultry business? The best way to get funding for your poultry farm is to go as a group. You can join a group of poultry farmers or form one in your area; that way, it would be easier to get the attention of lenders. Some sources of capital for your poultry farm include
1. Agricultural finance cooperation it is a wholly owned Government Development Finance Institution (DFI). It provides loans to groups of individuals agriculture
2. Women Enterprise Fund is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency in the Ministry of Public Service, Youth & Gender Affairs established in August 2007, to provide accessible and affordable credit to support women start and/or expand business for wealth and employment creation.
3. Youth Enterprise Development Fund Provide loans for on-lending to youth enterprises
4. SACCOs Start saving in a SACCO and you can apply for small low interest loans
5. Local Banks Most of the local banks have loans tailored for agricultural business
6. Online Lenders e.g, You need to provide a clear write up to get a lender. Always be cautious with online lending sites.
7. Check research institutes and NGO’S Another place to search for grants is through research institute or other agencies that collaborate with the government. Such companies usually carry out projects that aim to help farmers achieve success. You may be lucky enough to qualify for grants under one of such schemes.
8. Write a Brilliant Proposal-: There are some organizations that have calls for funding proposals in Agriculture e.g USAID/Kenya Feed the Future Innovation Engine
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