In recent years, chicken farming in Kenya has become so trendy as to be commonplace.
As chickens need care every day, year-round, chicken farmers are not known for taking extended vacations so it is a profession to which a person must be very dedicated or have a staff on hand they trust.
Becoming a profitable chicken farmer takes a great deal of research in different methods to raise chickens and different ways to make money based on your area.
Calculation example for layers
Cost per chick ksh 90/chick for 200 birds ksh 18000
Chick mash 8 weeks – 1.7 kg/chick ksh 52/kg ksh 17680
Growers mash period 8 to 20 weeks of age 4.3 kg/bird ksh 43/kg ksh 36980
Vaccination ksh 6000
Vitamins/drugs ksh 3000
Brooding ksh 5000
Others ksh 3000
Total ksh 89660
Cost per bird at 4-5 months(point of lay) ksh 449
Cost analysis of the 200 Laying birds
Layers mash for 62 weeks feeding 110gm/day/bird ksh45/kg ksh 429660
Others ksh 25000
Cost at the point of laying ksh 89660
Total costs at the end of laying ksh 544320
Cost per bird at the end of laying ksh 2722
Laying rate 23 eggs/month/bird for 62weeks 357 eggs@10 for 200 birds ksh 4000
Sale of 200 ex-layers @350/bird ksh 70000
Manure ksh 7000
Total Income ksh 791000
Margin/profit (791000-544320) ksh 246680
Feeding programe
Chick starter 0-8 weeks
Growers mash 8-18 weeks
Layers mash 62weeks
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