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Economies of broiler farming setup


Economics of Broiler Farming – at a Glance

1. Unit Size : 1000 broiler birds per month

2.250 broilers in a week

3. System of rearing : Deep litter system

Sr. No Particulars Specifications Physical  Units Unit cost(Ksh/ Unit) Total cost (Ksh)
1 Sheds and other structures
a) Broiler sheds ( 4 sheds) 1 sft. per bird 1000 sft. 150 150000
b) Store room 100 sft 70 7,000
c)Labor quarter 150 sft 100 15,000
d) Slaughter room 100 sft 90 9,000
e) Fencing 750 rft 20 15,000
2 Water supply system
a) Digging or construction water reservoir 13’dia x33’depth 10,000 10,000
b) Water tank 1000 liters 1 9,000
c) 3 HP electric motor/pump set and other accessories and pipeline etc. 6000 6,000
d) Electrical installation/equipment 5,000
3 Equipments
a) Feeders and waterers 1000 birds 9 9,000
b) Dressing equipment 10,000
4 Capitalization of recurring expenses for first 8 batches
a) Chick cost 1000 day old 65 65000
b) Feed cost for 1080 birds 3.2 kg/bird 3456 kg 55 190,080
c) Overheads such as cost of, Medicines, vaccine, insurance, litter Ksh 5.00/bird 1080 birds 5 5,400
d) Labour cost 3 months 10000 3 30,000
5 Total financial outlay (TFO)  



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